Chapter Leadership
Bro. Skyler Parks
Bro. Sean Strong
Vice Basileus
Bro. Lorenzo Wells
Keeper of Records & Seal
Bro. Donniel Cundiff Sr.
Assistant Keeper of Records & Seal
Bro. Chaz-Elliot Jordan
Keeper of Finance
Bro. Homaundre "Monty" Pender
Bro. Rikwon Moore
Keeper of Peace
Bro. Ulysses Kendall
Bro. Casey T. Smith
Immediate Past Basileus
Committee Chairmen
Bro. Rikwon Moore
Membership Selection Chair
Bro. Lorenzo Wells
Reclamation & Retention Chair
Bro. Casey T. Smith
Scholarship & Achievement Week Chair
Bro. Travonte Fields
Fatherhood & Mentoring Chair
Bro. Donniel Cundiff Sr.
Social Action Chair
Bro. Homaundre "Monty" Pender
Talent Hunt Chair
Bro. Sean Strong
STEM Chair
Bro. Thomas Wilks
VREM Chair